3 Sales Kick Off Meeting Alignment Techniques To Unlock ROI
Sales kick off meetings, when done right, serve as a launching pad for your sales team. Sales reps and managers learn how to better optimize the sales process and build their pipelines; milestones and big wins are celebrated; and everyone leaves with a clear roadmap...
3 Sales Kick Off Meeting Reinforcement Tactics (That Actually Work)
Sales kickoff meetings can be truly magical experiences when planned in alignment with sales and delivered as an interactive experience. New skills and techniques are debated. New messaging is circulated. New products are rolled out. Energy is at a high. Everyone in...
3 Reasons Your Sales Kick-Off Meeting Will Be Forgotten (and How To Fix It)
January is arguably the most important time of the year for sales organizations. A company’s annual sales kick-off (SKO) is its most important sales gathering of the year. SKOs are intended to direct, educate and inspire sales teams to reach new levels of success. New...
TurningPoint: How Does Its Audience Response System Compare
In this installation of the 3 Minute Audience Response System Comparison series, we’re taking a closer look at Turning Technologies. Founded in 2002, Turning Technologies is an education technology company that provides an interactive response system, TurningPoint,...
What We Learned Using E-Voting For Elections Twice In A Row
The United Methodist Church is one of many national conference bodies that have transitioned to audience response systems complete with live audience polling and electronic voting keypads for annual elections. Having experienced severe disruptions due to faulty...
UMC Conference Secretary Talks Going From Scantron To E-Voting
After years of relying on scantron machines, the United Methodist Church (UMC) Annual Conference of Alabama & West Florida made the switch to an audience response system for elections e-voting. With over 1400 attendees it was imperative that this change didn’t...
UMC Conference Planner On Adopting Electronic Voting Keypads
This year, United Methodist Church Annual Conference planners had the difficult task of presenting electronic voting keypads to an audience which included a significant number of seniors, many of whom don’t use computers—and during a highly sensitive elections season....
CME Program Triples Learner Recall With Interactive Education
Recent study published in The American Journal of Managed Care successfully demonstrates the effectiveness of audience response systems for interactive education, using both live meetings and online course. In Brief: Recently, a continuing medical education...
4 Surprise Costs Audience Response System Sellers Add To Quoted Prices
Many audience response system companies sell audience response keypad equipment and software at varying market prices. While some abide by inclusive pricing models, others have invisible costs that are often missed during the vetting process. When choosing...
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E-Voting Devices Compared: Mobile & Audience Response Keypads
Election organizers are ditching scantron systems and manual vote counting for live audience polling and mobile electronic voting. With robust e-voting software, audience response systems are making the elections process more efficient and convenient for organizers...

4 Outdated Myths On Audience Response Systems—Part 2
Fact check your knowledge of audience response systems (ARS) as we continue to debunk outdated assumptions of ARS technology’s applicable use cases, functional capabilities and technical limitations. Myth 1. Audience response systems only work for conferences and...

3 Ways ARS Polls & Surveys Unlock Valuable Employee Insights
Gathering honest employee feedback is the ultimate challenge for most companies. Employees oftentimes are reluctant to share their honest concerns and ideas with management, or even with their peers, for fear of judgement. This broken feedback loop can jeopardize the...

5 Outdated Myths On Audience Response Systems—Part 1
Audience response systems (ARS) are experiencing more hardware and software adaptations and advances than decades past. Many of the capabilities and limitations that once defined the industry no longer bear weight. Find out how up-to-date your knowledge of the...
Vendor Reviews

Reply ARS Keypads: Top Audience Response Manufacturers In Review
In this part of our Top Audience Response Keypad Manufacturers series, we provide a snapshot of Reply® Systems audience response keypads. Pioneering audience response keypad manufacturer Fleetwood Group has been manufacturing Reply® Systems audience response...

Top Audience Response Keypad Manufacturers
Differentiating between live polling devices and keypad clickers provided by audience response system vendors is no easy feat. There are many software and hardware related factors to consider before making a purchase or rental decision. Typically, audience response...

Ubiqus: How Does Its Audience Response System Compare
In this installation of the 3 Minute Audience Response System Comparison series we’re reviewing Ubiqus, a provider of audience response keypad equipment used primarily for real-time data collection, audience participation and adult education. Audience Response System...
4 Technologies Transforming The State of Political Conventions
Political conventions are fast evolving at the rate of technology. The Democratic and Republican Party Conventions that transpired in the past decade alone differ greatly from their predecessors. As technology has evolved so, too, has the manner in which convention...
3 Ways Live Audience Polling Is Boosting Sales Kick Off Meeting ROI
In months, salespeople from all across the world will begin gathering for sales kick off meetings. Will yours be one to remember, with data-driven insights and interactive experiences that resonate in the minds of sales reps? why Employee input is critical to SKO...
How TV Producers Make Studio Audiences Part of the Game
Did you know that TV producers are using audience response systems to deliver production value and design interactive game show experiences? Audience response systems allow studio audiences to engage in quizzes, compete against one another, submit votes live and...
Why Conversational Presenting Is A Game-Changer For Keynotes
To win over conference attendees of today, organizers must do more than secure presenters to fill specific topical areas. In today’s digital age, the answers to most questions lay at the tips of our fingers. Understanding how to process, adapt and apply information,...
4 Ways Associations Are Solving Member Retention & Voting Decline
Members are the lifeblood of every association, membership body and society. Using new technologies, membership organizations are prioritizing member engagement and election participation, and preventing membership retention decline. In a bid to increase board...
Industry Trend: Live Streaming Elections Using Electronic Voting
Large multi-chapter organizations and associations stand to reap significant benefits from live streaming their elections onto social media using audience response systems for electronic voting. The U.S Soccer Federation’s 2018 Presidential Election was one of their...
3 Ways Live Polling & Voting Is Transforming Town Halls
A town hall meeting is a place for meaningful discourse and conversation. They can be incredibly empowering spaces for local residents (or employees, in the case of businesses) to provide feedback on critical issues, voice their opinions, and discuss emerging issues....
Why Churches No Longer Use Paper Ballot Systems For General Assembly Meetings
Every few years, church delegates from across the nation join together for general assembly and convention meetings. During this time, they vote on legislative matters, appoint church delegates and address other pressing issues. Voting is an essential part of General...
Using ARS To Enhance The Effectiveness Of Employee Trainings
Corporate employee training programs can require large investments of time, energy, and money. When managed effectively, employee training programs boost employee knowledge and skill development, and can even have an impact on employee engagement and retention. In...